William Osler Hospital Etobicoke Ontario Canada

My grandmother went into Etobicoke Hospital for simple chest pain, few hours after blood test was done it was shown she suffered a mild heart attack in her blood test. She admitted just over two weeks. In between that process she was transferred to Brampton Hospital to do a Cardiac Procedures. Test results came in that she had to do Triple Bypass Surgery (CABG).  As being her granddaughter I am first on the list to be contact for any emergency. It took my grandmother to call me to let the family know she was being transferred to Trillium Hospital to do her surgery. Why is that a patient has to call her family to inform that she was getting ready for her surgery? Is it not the nurse, doctor or even admin suppose to call to the family to let us know what is going to happen. The doctor who was taking care of her barely came too see her. She was never around. Sadly she did not even have any manners to visit my grandmother before she went to do her surgery. Just because we live close we are stuck going to this circus on unprofessional doctors and nurse. Not place you would ever want to bring a patient who needs care. They need more staff and doctors even nurse to attend patients need. There food is unhealthy and looks uncooked. The nurse is asking you what you would like too eat and once you been requested your food you get something. Hospital needs to be more professional and patients needs to come first. Very disappointed in how this place is set up.