Visitors pushed out from Patients family visitors room at 1 am.

I have came with my wife to visit my son who has been admitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital Toronto. Due to a complications to my son’s current medical conditions and a surgery have done on January 15,2024. We have decided to stay overnight with him at his room M204 at St. Joseph’s hospital in Morrow wings in the 2nd floor on 17th January, 2004. One of the associated nurse allowed us to stay. I was sitting in the patient family visitor room and my wife sits beside my son. Around 1am a lady nurse came asked to leave the room as she wants to sleep during her break. I told her there is lots of chairs and she can sleep but she needs the chair that I was sleeping. When I offered her another chair she went out and call the floor lead nurse and other nurse to pushed me out of the room. when I told them this at night 1 am where I will go but in the morning I will leave so the Nurse named Zawlina Kassam and Melanie Lin call the security. Zawlina Kassam- who was too rude to me as I have asked her to show me where in this room it’s said for employe area. Its written on the door “patients family visitors area” and no where said that we could not stay here. But Nurse Zawlina Kassam and Melanie Lin was very indecent and rude to call security! My question is why they allowed us to stay after visiting hours and why they want me to leave at 1.30am while I was ready to leave in the morning. Basic reason to stay with my son who had a surgery day before.
I want to make complaint to the authority for what is the reason for throwing me out from Patients family visitors room at 1.30 am where there is number of chairs in the room and the room is not even a employee rest room!