Unacceptable attitude of Emergency Room Doctor

For several years now I have suffered on and off to greater and lesser degrees with hemorrhoids and related matters. At one point about five years ago, Dr. Robert Bechara in Kingston removed some polyps and repaired a tear with great results. Unfortunately in 2019, after we had moved to Oshawa, the issues returned and my GP, Dr. Fatima Hashmi, gave me a note to take to Emergency if the pain got too bad. I ended up visiting Emergency, but when I gave the attending physician the note he looked at it and said, “That’s not going to happen” and instead referred me to Dr. Kouros Moozar. In 2020, Dr. Moozar removed some hemorrhoids. However, soon afterwards the pain returned. I saw Dr Moozar again, but he told me somewhat dismissively there was nothing further he could do. Dr. Hashmi referred me to another surgeon, Dr. Laurie Wherrett, and I was given an appointment in August of this year. Meanwhile, the pain has been getting steadily worse. Dr. Hashmi suggested that if it got bad enough, I should revisit Emergency. I am more than ready to tolerate a certain amount of discomfort and have adopted a regimen of frequent sitz baths and regular hot baths and the use of hot and cold compresses between baths, all to try and mitigate the pain when it flares up, This morning, however, the pain was just too much and there was a significant amount of blood and I decided reluctantly to visit Emergency again. After a two-hour wait (which I do realize is to be expected) I finally got to see a physician, who told me to “go remove your pants and I’ll take a look.” The dismissive tone and attitude continued from there. She confirmed that there was a hemorrhoid, made no mention of the blood, which I’d reported to the triage nurse, told me there was nothing she could do and sent me on my way with an unspoken “… and stop wasting my time.” Her unnecessarily contemptuous “bedside manner” only compounded the very real pain and left me feeling dismissed, demeaned, and degraded. It was unnecessary and uncalled for — so much so that I am writing this complaint, something I have never done before.