Toronto Western Hospital, Referred to the ER to get no Care.

Since November 2021 I have been severely struggling with my health. Finally getting the courage together after being left without care time after time I to go to the ER again, Monday December 9, 2023 – 10:30AM. Since I received a previous referral to the Toronto Western Hospital, “well known” Dermatology department I go to this hospital hoping to finally get care. I’m close to the source. This doctor denied that TWH had such a dermatology department although I had the referral with me. And just look at their website it’s very well known it even collaborates with the University. The doctor starts again with wanting to refer me to something holistic, while I’m showing him the rash, the open wounds, my deformed ear, it’s a constant excruciating pain and headache a huge pressure in my head, I can hardly function. He continues to state I can’t see your file and does nothing not even offer pain meds, he was dead set on referring me based on nothing and than had the nerve to say that I was speaking loud after he denied me care based on nothing three(3) times. I was left to wait for four hours in excruciating pain only to be told “I don’t know anything but I’m still going to refer you”. He is very concerned about my fever and that I have fluid in my lungs but there is nothing He can do for me. Scared out of my mind, confused and dazed I lost it and started to cry, again left in a painful way. Getting a very uncomfortable feeling I struggled to get my clothing back on and left that horrible place as soon as possible. I stumbled several times on my way out and could hardly keep my eyes open. Thank goodness I booked a cab home, I fainted on Leonard Av only to be woken by my cab driver. The only person whom gave me care today.