Toronto Western Hospital Bullying Patients
I am wondering what the rules are about a Doctor trying to push a patient out before they are ready?
My father had hip surgery this past Wednesday at Western, by Dr Mohammed. Even up until the day before in Pre-Op, we were told he would be released on Saturday, which meant a 3 night stay. All our plans were made, as far as pick up and nursing help when he got home. The morning after the operation, the Doctor came in and advised my father that he HAD to leave after 2 nights, on Friday am.
We had already made all the arrangements for his ride home, nurses for his arrival and this news came as a huge shock and put me in a tailspin, as I was unable to secure earlier nursing help, or even anyone to help me get him home early. Now I understand the challenges the system has, but this is an 84year old man, who I feel has been bullied by his doctor, who is blaming it all on the system. Magically, the rules just changed, and he is being sent home early.
I have, after many phone calls, made some semi okay arrangements and am picking him up today, again with no help, as my husband and daughter have work and school. Its amazing that doctors can just assume that families can turn their lives upside down, on a moments notice, just to please themselves. This is nothing more than the doctor being a bully, and wanting to push more patients through, at the expense and hopefully not safety of others.
I am disgusted with the treatment by this doctor, while also thanking him for the hip operations, as they appear to have worked. Very frustrating!!!!

Debbie Bates
Daughter of Bullied Patient