Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre-Update

This is an update on previous complaints I had posted concerning how staff at TBRHSC violate healthcare laws. I want to give everyone a glimpse into the minds of the mentally ill mongrels who run TBRHSC. It’s a good read for the visitors of this website. I’m going to paraphrase the silliness that Cathy Covino had written to me through correspondence I have had with her. Cathy Covino senior director of quality and risk management doesn’t care if a staff member violates healthcare laws and sexually assaults a patient by coercing her to consent to medical treatment as long as that patient was happy with the care they recieved and the patient was ok with having their rights violated. They don’t care to look into the matter or to make sure it does not happen again. In the warped, corrupt, mentally ill mind of Cathy Covino, the only time they will investigate serious violations of the law by staff members at TBRHSC is when the patient was not happy with having their rights violated and filed a complaint themselves. This means that if a nurse had witnessed a healthcare practitioner sexually abuse a patient through coercive medical treatment and filed a complaint it doesn’t matter. If Cathy speaks to that patient and the patient confirms that this had happened but that she was happy with the care and did not want to file a complaint, then Cathy will allow this healthcare practitioner to continue to do this until a patient was not happy with it and filed a complaint. I have also had correspondence with the previous president & ceo of TBRHSC Dr. William (Bill) McCready. What he said to me was beyond silly. I question if his IQ is above 100. I definitely feel in my opinion that Cathy’s IQ is well below 100. In his correspondence with me he tells me that physicians and midwives are not staff members but independent contractors and if I have a complaint about them, then I should take it up with them and not the hospital. This means that doctors and midwives can do whatever they want withinn the walls of TBRHSC. They can violate healthcare laws and abuse patients because they are independent contractors and the hospital does not care to hear complaints regarding physicians and midwives. This is a very silly statement made by Dr William McCready since physicians and midwives practice within the walls of the hospital and senior management as well as executives are to make sure that they follow healthcare laws and are also responsible for what they do within the walls of their hospital. So if you are a midwife or physician you can run amuck in the hospital, the management and executives at TBRHSC don’t care to hear complaints about you. I recently spoke by phone to someone named Nancy who said she was a supervisor at TBRHSC. I made it clear that I would like the new president & ceo Jean Bartkowiak to reach out to me regarding my complaint. I have yet to hear anything. Let’s see if Jean will be an upstanding president and contact me regarding my complaint or will he totally ignore it the way the former mongrel president Andre Robichaud did or send me something silly like the previous president Dr. Bill McCready had done. I hope that Jean really cares about patient concers the way TBRHSC claims and contacts me. If not expect another update on this website.