Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Bill McCready interim president & ceo at TBRHSC, Dr. Mark Henderson EVP patient services, Dr. Rhonda Crocker Ellacott EVP patient services and chief nursing executive, Cathy Covino senior director of quality and risk Management, and Dr. Andrew Turner acting chief of staff all promote and condone sexual assault of female patients during labour. The Health Care Consent Act forbids hospital staff from coercing a female patient who has denied a vaginal exam during labour to have this procedure performed on her. The hospital’s own policy forbids it as well. This doesn’t surprise me since a hospital cannot have a policy that contradicts law. The staff in Labour & Delivery at TBRHSC lie to female patients who are both in labour and have denied this procedure by telling them it is the law and that they must do it. The staff in Labour & Delivery also tell female patients who have denied this procedure that they can go somewhere else to have their baby. I had written a complaint to TBRHSC and was told someone would contact me within 45 days but no one had ever done so. Almost three years later i get a response from Dr. Bill McCready and his response did not address the substance of my complaint at all. He gave me the hospital’s policy on vaginal examinations during labour, which proved me right, but this is not what i asked for. By ignoring my complaint and not addressing the substance of it, all the individuals above promote and condone sexual assault of female patients. The law is quite clear. Any coercion of a patient to consent to something they refused while capable and having attained the age of 16 is considered a battery. If this coercion takes place in an intimate area of a patients body then it is considered a form of sexual assault. My attempts to contact the hospital so someone can speak to me and address my complaint have fallen on deaf ears. I specifically want to know if the hospital staff in question who committed this coercion were trained and if they were reprimanded in any way. Instead i received hospital policy on this issue which i did not ask for. Therefore the people mentioned above condone and promote sexual assault of female patients by allowing this to happen in Labour & Delivery.