The General Hospital, Ottawa

Called an unline nurse at 1-866-797-0000 on Dec. 14th 2020 because I was seeing Cobb webs in my right eye and if I looked to the right I was seeing flashing lights. I was told by the nurse to go to The General and see a doctor at emergency and I did exactly that. I had to take my husband with me because I’m A 24/7 care giver for my husband since he was dignoised with alizmers and dementia . I take care of him 365 days a year and where i go he goes because there are the two of us . My husband started acting up about an half hour after we got thereat 12:00 until another couple arrives at three thirty in the afternoon. They were there 5 minutes when they complained about my husband not wearing his mask but at that time he had a shield on. the nurse came down and very firmly told me he had to keep his mask and shield on . i told her i had been up to the nurse station and told them what the problem was and was told I had to wait. i told her what the problem was again. We left before i saw a doctor about my eye and this morning my eye is worst. she told me there was covid in emergency and i thought they were not suppose to go to emerg with covid they were suppose to call , get tested and wait in isolation until the paramatics arrived to take them to a hospital. no wonder covid is running rampid if those people are allowed to show up at emergency unannounced . as for the two that complained about a senior with alizmer and dementia. karma is a bitch. as for your nurses and health care workers maybe its time to take training on alizmer and dementia because apparently they have no clue about the disease and maybe a lillte compassion for seniors and an emergency would dictate that we with some one in our care get seen at a reasonable time not 3 or four hours after you arrive then my husband and others like him would not get time to act up because they are away from home to long or are hungry because they missed their lunch. we were shown no compassion only said i’m sorry I understand when she had no clue about understanding what the disease was or does to a person. I would like this matter dealth with in a timely manner and i want an apology for being treated so rude by a system thaty is suppose to be set up to help not let you go without help because of a mental attitude of others that do not know you or your situation and I just like to end by saying more have died because of this pandemic than with it.. Sincerely Theresa Rumbolt.