Tanisha is bullying the patients

I would like to file a complaint against the nurse going by the name of Tanisha.

This morning just before 8AM I asked her for my phone, a pencil to write with, and my anti anxiety medication.

Within the first 5 seconds she was looking at me with a hateful expression, she yelled at me to go back to my room, even though i had done nothing wrong.

Once 8am, electronic device hours were in effect i again left my room, to ask for my phone, pencil and anti anxiety medication, she once again yelled at me to go back to my room, flailing her arms around wildly. I could overhear her making fun of the other patients, mocking them to her “friends”, i recall her making fun of one particular patient who had allergies, she found this very amusing and whatever that patient was allergic to she apparently administered it anyway. And found the situation hilarious.

She was continually yelling and screaming at the other patients, in particular a very large man with a big beard, this man is severely ill, people have been trying to get him to tie his gown since i got here. He can’t do it, he is a very ill man, she repeatedly screamed at him, pointing at him and waving her hands around.

She gossiped with her friends about patients who were suffering for almost a full 15 minutes after electronic device hours. This ruined the work i had been planning to create since yesterday night, i am an artist, a musician, what was supposed to be a fun song, was destroyed by this bully, and I can never get it back.

Sje continued to bully me and everyone else, except her “friends”, until i requested her name and asked for the number for the administration, informing her that i would be filing a complaint, she then denied doing any of it, and became quite afraid.

All of a sudden out of the blue she was polite now. She took my blood pressure, for the first time since ive got here my blood pressure was elevated.

I cannot prove this, it’s just a feeling i get,
I believe her behaviour towards me was motivated by racial animus.

Please note this complaint on her file.

This incident also caused other patients to become unwell, among them a close friend of mine, who wound up locked in solitary confinement because of the stress of the situation.

Please do not assign this woman to be my nurse again, instead there is a muslim woman, she wears her name on a gold islamic nametag, she would be preferable next time to by my nurse.

Please do not assign that bully to be my nurse again, she is doing harm to my recovery, and my blood pressure.

She is now acting polite because she fears getting in trouble, im not buying it and she should.

I have not seen behavior this unprofessional since i arrived.

There is chaos in the ward now.
I blame her. My friend is very sensitive,
She is now yelling at doctors, and getting
Herself in trouble. Reporting insane lies.
And repeated loud hostile statements like
A mantra.

Yesterday she was fine.