Sunybrook Health Sciences Centre
Dear President & CEO , and Chair of Board of Directors of Sunnybrook,
1) Your website at:
(a) mentioned:
“Excellence: We will exceed the expectations of our patients and their families by anticipating their needs, improving access to care, and ensuring the quality and safety of care.
•Accountability: My decisions impact the lives of others. I will assume responsibility for the commitments I make to our colleagues, patients, health care partners and communities. I am the face of Sunnybrook and my actions will improve the hospital.
•Respect” (sic)
(b) Your website at mentioned:
” Excellence: We are committed to excellence in everything we do; to exceeding the expectations of our donors, volunteers and hospital partners;
Collaboration: We can achieve more by working together. We are committed to collaborating with our internal and external stakeholders.
Accountability: Donors and volunteers are at the centre of everything we do
Respect: We hold ourselves to the highest of ethical standards” (sic)
Sunnybrook Foundation employs a team of dedicated and enthusiastic individuals, whose work reflects their commitment to the Foundation.
(c ) mentioned:
” We care for our patients and their families when it matters most.
Our Values •Collaboration: We value partnering with others to achieve our mission and vision.
•Respect: There is strength in our differences. By embracing how we are each unique and how every person’s perspective is of value, Sunnybrook can be a leader in health care.
•Engagement: We are all active members of the Sunnybrook team and therefore integral to the hospital’s success. By engaging others and being invested in our work, we all contribute to achieving our mission and vision” (sic).
2) Now refer to the MULTIPLE requests you have postal-mailed to the public and patients, and others in the community asking for donations and money.
3) Now refer to the Multiple complaints against your Sunnybrook hospital publicly posted on the internet.
4) Now consider the following SPECIFIC incident, and ask yourself: “Do you deserve donations?”.
– (b) Objectively, I do NOT think you do AT ALL, since this incident is perhaps a small tip of the proverbial iceberg, given that I may very well be a small sampling of the entire population. Be advised that the best advertisement that any organization carries is by word of mouth, irrespective of the dollars it may spend on costly advertising. Put yourself in my shoes. What do you think I have to tell people that I know about your organization?
5) (a) Since February 23, 2012, I have multiple messages at (416)480-6100 extensions 7251 and 2700, at the designated phone-numbers for your Otolaryngogology specialists Dr. Vincent Lin and Dr. Hoam Amoodi.
(b) Not a single one of my four voice-mails have been returned.
(c) On February 28, 2012, I spoke to one of your staff, who refused to provide her last name, other than very RELUCTANTLY, mentioning that her name is Oriana and stated that she is the MANAGER of the Otolaryngology department. I am given to understand that she is Ms. Oriana Canario, who is listed as ONE of the “support staff” of the “Otolaryngology Health Care Team” at
(d) I attempted to ask her whether I shall be provided a copy of any required registration documentation. I am given to understand that I am legally entitled to a copy of it.
(e) I also attempted to ask her whether I may be provided a copy of the report sent to my referring family physician, since I may not get a chance to visit my family physician before I leave for an extended overseas visit, and I may need to provide a copy of the generated report to multiple doctors including overseas doctors. It may be easier if I send it to these multiple entities, instead of having the specialist do so.
(f) Ms. Oriana Canario:
– (i) was Verbally Abusive, Victimized me with Unwarranted Harassment, Misused her Vested authority, Abused her vested Power. She MISREPRESENTATED FACTS, AND MADE FALSE AND INCORRECT ASSERTIONS. Her EVIDENCED manner was UNPROFESSIONAL AND DISAPPOINTING. She MISREPRESENTED FACT, AND MADE FALSE AND INCORRECT ASSERTIONS, including insisting that I had left no messages.
– (ii) REFUSED to even provide the name of her immediate supervisor, and threatened to disconnect the call, when I asked her for it. She did not want to provide any complete professional accountability. It was only through other means that I found out her complete name and job title.
– (iii) REPEATEDLY kept yelling at me, and INTERRUPTED me when I tried explaining the situation and my questions to her. Her evidenced poor listening skills, bad attitude, and offensive communication was insulting and rude.
– (iv) TO SHOW Her NUISANCE-VALUE AND AS VINDICTIVE REPRISAL, she hung up on me and disconnected the call, after verbally abusing me and telling me to: “Fxxx off!”
– (v) told me that I will NOT be provided a copy of either my registration documentation nor my report copy, under any circumstances.
Question: Why am I being refused a copy of what I am legally entitled to?
– (vi) was threatening, and obnoxious in her tone and tenor of voice, and very disrespectful.
– Most certainly, it appears to be contrary to what you PROFESS to provide to the public on your website.
I am experiencing the same issue with Oncology Dept at Sunnybrook, it seems to be a disease they have there. I too left a message inquiring for info on a new surgery date for the removal of tumors, I have been cancelled twice now, No reply, nada. I would love to hear more about your story or any others out there experiencing abuse from staff. The surgeon scheduled to do my surgery is of the same attitude. Almost like your annoying them.