Staff Rudeness in Radiology June 24, 2022

This morning we had an appointment at Etobicoke General in the Radiology for a CT. This was around 7:15 am. The female who was behind the desk to register patients was absolutely rude. Unfortunately we did not register in the front because no one directed us to do so. When she heard this it was like everything was too much for her. It all started when she complained about the wrist bands not printing right to having to register us for the CT and that the version code had to be changed on the computer. There are signs on the wall in the waiting room to be patience and kind and rudeness will not be tolerated. I believe it should work both ways. This one staff member should be educated on how to talk to patients and not treat them disrespectful or rudely no matter what time of day. If the work is to much or you don’t like your position maybe you should change job. Recently the hospital was under review and everyone was told to be on their best and to answer any questions by these people who were supervising. Now that it’s over and no one is there to watch I guess individuals can go back to be their old rude ways.