Staff mistreating patients

At the Timmins and District Hospital in the mental health unit there was a patient who was harassing and threatening other patients and when staff was informed about the situation they ended up forcing two patients into their rooms losing their privileges for no reason while the patient who did the threatening and harassing got to roam around the unit. when a patient informed the staff about the death threats and asked to speak to a police officer the staff continuously refused to let that happen meanwhile they force patients into a locked room for doing the right thing which was going to the nursing staff as the patients were afraid for their safety. I was one of those patients who had been threatened and because I was afraid for my safety I was basically forced to leave against medical advise to ensure that the patient was not going to harm me in any way. I was not and still not happy with this issue and this is an ongoing issue where the staff members of the MENTAL HEALTH UNIT at the hospital ignores a death threat between two or more patients whereas if the staff gets threatened in the same way by a patient they call police immediately. This is a place where patients should be able to go to be safe from themselves and others. Staff members also continuously laughs at their patients about whatever the patients are going through at the time. It is not appropriate and professional for a nursing staff laughs in patients faces whether it is during a panic attack or while a patient is crying or going through a very hard moment. This is not right at all.