St Josephs Hospital Toronto

For the past two years I have and continue to fight complications associated with mesh even after removal. Not wanting to return back to the Surgeon and Hospital and exercising my right to make a complaint I have been black listed and Medically Gaslit from receiving care. To date I am still battling chronic urinary infections and inflammation of the Urethra. On one of my many runs to the Emergency an Emergency Doctor put on my file of which I have only began to read after getting a copy from the CPSO and having the physical energy after mesh removal that I want to sue and I am seeking information to do so. After I had numerous amounts of uti’s in which my urine was full red, many cancelled diagnostic testing, being labelled a trouble maker when all I was seeking was help to get better. I am not a trouble maker and not looking for any monetary gain from being sick. My life has forever been changed due to mesh and not consenting but that is a totally different story. Everyday I am fighting to live and take care of my family. If I was going to the Emergency Rooms for monetary gain my family and I wouldn’t have to resort to reaching out to the Salvation Army for Christmas help. Because this ER Doctor put that in my medical record that can be seen by all ER’s I cannot get any medical treatment or help. I have chronic white cell count in my Urine and cannot get treatment. All this just for standing up for my rights as a patient. PLEASE BE AWARE AND MAKE A FULL CONSENT THAT TENSION FREE TAPE IS MESH AND IS NOT LESS THAN 10 CM AND SHOULDNT BE CUT INTO SEPERATE PIECES BLADDER MESH SHOULD NEVER BE USED IN THE STOMACH TO DO HERNIA REPAIR OF WHICH I NEVER HAD IN MY LIFE. TENSION FREE TAPE IS MESH NOT TAPE. 20 00 00 AT 49.99 PERCENT INTEREST AND ON LONG TERM DISABILITY IS WHAT I HAD TO PAY FOR MESH IN THE USA