St. Joseph’s Health Centre

I attended St. Joseph’s Labour and Delivery Ward in 2016. I had all my charts from the Brantford General Hospital Labour and Delivery regarding the pregnancy and also all charts from the OBGYN’s office.

I requested a cervical exam to let me know if I was dilated to ensure it was still okay to fly on a plane. I indicated I did not want any kind of pain medication I just wanted to ensure that the contractions I was experiencing had not made me go into active labour and were still only in the Braxton Hicks category. Upon Arrival the nurse requested that I sign a consent for another doctor/hospital. I indicated that I did not want that hospital or any staff there to be giving any kind of direction over my plan of care. I informed the nurse at St. Joseph’s that I had all charts with me and the consent was not necessary. The nurse informed me that she would be back in 15 minutes to do my fetal stress test. The nurse did not return for over two hours, at which time I pushed the call button and requested to speak to a nurse. A different older nurse came in and requested I sign a consent for the doctor to talk to staff at Brantford General Hospital . I refused to sign the request. The nurse then left and refused to give me a stress test. Two hours later I informed the staff I would be leaving and attending another hospital. The older nurse told me to go back to my room and wait for the doctor. I stated that I had been there for four hours and was told I would receive a fetal stress test within 15 min over four hours ago and I proceeded to the exit. The nurse then grabbed my arm and pushed me back into the room. I told the nurse to please never put her hands on me again in that manner. I asked her to please remove herself from the entrance of the door and to please stop blocking it. The nurse then moved away. I proceeded to leave and informed another staff member that I was leaving and that the nurse had pushed me. The doctor came to me and asked me to come back into the room to speak with her. I agreed and followed her back to my room. I informed the doctor that due to my refusal to sign a consent form I have been refused all services and treatments necessary for my baby and I. I was told that I would get a fetal stress test but had not got one all because I did not want to sign a consent for anyone to speak with staff members from a facility where I received traumatic experiences.


  •  The hospital refused me all treatments and services due to my refusal to sign a consent form
  • A hospital staff member used excessive force
  • A hospital used force to prevent me from exiting the facility against my will
  • The hospital violated my privacy information rights by providing information to Brantford General Hospital doctor, Dr. Bates when I refused to sign consents to release information.
  • The hospital relayed false information to the Children’s aid society – stating that I was requesting bloodwork when that is not true. I was requesting a fetal stress test and cervical exam to indicate whether or not I was in active labour and to find out if it was safe to fly on a plane within the next three days.
  • The hospital further falsely stated the events that occurred during and leading up to the excessive force used by a nurse staff member to prevent me from leaving against my will.