Seven Oaks Hospital, Winnipeg, MB. Canada

My wife, MOIRA POMMER required hip fracture surgery ( femor ) in July 2012. By ambulance to Gimli Hospital,
then by ambulance to Winnipeg.
Dr. John Leonard Wiens performed the surgery at Seven Oaks Hospital
in Winnipeg. Where she spent weeks not recovering well. then she spent weeks back at Gimli not recovering well,
Then at home in a wheel chair not recovering well. After many months of inadequate healing , extreme pain,
much infection, Her family doctor ” R C Patel ” did follow up surgery in
Gimli Hospital.a few weeks ago . He removed a 2 in long by 3/16 dia. broken drill bit. which he treated as evidence.
She is now recovering rapidly. For the first time since July she is walking a little without cane or walker.
Can you contingent help her to seek compensation
Lawrence Pommer. for;
Moira C Pommer 481 Winnipeg Beach
Mb R0C3G0
Phone 1 204 389 5817