seven oaks hospital winnipeg manitoba

March 09,2012
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba
William D. B. Pope, MD, LLB. FRCPC
Dear Sir,
No checklists send patients into unnecessary horror after surgery. Patients continue to be robbed of their lives , beginning in the surgeons office, all the way to pre surgery. To my knowledge, Pan Am and Seven Oaks are now being questioned on protocol when servicing patients. In my personal experience there are no checklists or double checks. This has not been my imagination, it is now verified truthfully, by CTV News (March 5, Ina Sidhu). This practice continues to lead uninformed patients into disabling and deadly surgery.
Who is the surgeon operating on the wrong ankle of Rick Campbell at Seven Oaks. Where is the pre op checklist and how is it being implemented that it again causes surgical error by surgeon and staff involved.
My complaint against DR. D. Huebert , and his staff, in failure to inform the patient has been presented but never legitimately explained.
Can I please have the name of the witness who signed the consent to operate form of Thomas Maksymowicz? May I see the pre op check list and who presented it? As outlined; patients continue to receive surgery they never asked for or required? It is coming on to two years, and these questions to The College, are continually stonewalled. Answers to these questions remain outstanding. The patient Thomas Maksymowicz was never informed and remains in a deadly situation as a result of this negligence. To date we still know not, who witnessed those execution orders, nor do we know why? A copy of such simple information given to a patient at any time before surgery, (and especially at pre op), would ELIMINATE the horrors patients endure. The horror is further escalated when patients are sedated and unable to defend themselves on the operating table. To promote horror after needless surgery is unacceptable.
The horror continues for us and other patients. Please stop the madness. This can be done with simple double checks and answering simple questions such as those that have been presented here.
Dr. Brock Wright is doing everything possible to find a solution, but it does not prevent needless surgery.
I remain sincerely yours,
Martin Maksymowicz