Scarborough, Ontario Scarboroug General

Good morning, I am sorry to say that I was abused by a nurse at scarborough General Hospital yesterday and now I am ready to sue
them. I was taken by ambulance yesterday morning, the 3rd of Oct. I could not breath. Yet, did I not know that I somehow had
bedbugs on me. So this nurse too me to the shower and the water was so cold and I keep telling her it is cold and she said no.
I was there 4 hours and found out, that I had a lung infection. I could not get my puffer out my purse or my meds. When it was
time for me to go home. She threw two blankets and told me, get in the cab, with your clothes in a bag. I told her, that I needed
to change into my clothes. She told me to go home and pay the cab in the nursing gown, no clothes. I was never so upset in
my life. When I got outside the hospital. I did mange to put some clothes on. I then went to the drugstore to get my antibotics.
I do not have documents, she did abuse me.