Scarborough general hospital

Wife was crying in pain due to a.massive lump on her voice bic in middle of being checked for cancer couldnt swallow for days nurse tells her shes gonna need iv pain meds and fluids as its bad than before doing all that asks my wife very rudley why shes crying so wife replies with cuz pain so much pain nurse sucks her teeth says well ur at the hospital to be treated so relax that shes not dealing with my wife and my wife can now wait longer ao of course my wife gets upset and than the nurse walks around emergency floor making fun of my wife and laughing thannnnnn they proceed to escort my wife out and refuse her treatment cuz she was crying?????x????? How is that right?????? How do u refuse a paintent you said needs iv pain meds and fluids any kind of treatmeant???? Someone better contact me asap before this goes to the damn news!!!!!!!