Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie Not.

On Friday March 19/21, my mother who is 77 was brought in by ambulance. She was triaged by 9pm that night. I met the paramedics there by 9pm that night. My mother cannot be left alone due to having dimentia, cannot answer any questions regarding anything. We were put in emerg waiting room to wait to see a Dr. A nurse seen my mom at 10 pm, asked some questions of why she was there and then we went back to waiting room. Around 10:30, we were taken to another room to wait for Dr. By 12:30 am, still not one person had came to see my mother, ask if she needed anything or if she was doing ok. She had an elevated heart rate and slight fever according to the paramedics that brought her in. My mother, having dimentia started to become very agitated around 12:30, and when this happens she eventually becomes violent towards people who talked to her. I had made the choice to remove her from the hospital and come home. Had been in the emergency for almost 4 hrs and nothing had been done or discussed about my mother.

Saturday her condition started to become worse, so I took her to South Lake Hospital in Newmarket. Within a total of 1 1/2 hrs of being in the emergency department there, my mother had been triaged, a cardio gram taken, blood work taken and had ex-rays done. 20 minutes after all that was done, they hooked my mom up to IV and had admitted her to the hospital. Blood work had shown she possibly has C-diff.

I am thoroughly disgusted that RVH couldn’t have done this in the 4 hrs we were there. It took Newmarket less than 2 hrs to do this. This treatment is unacceptable and needs to be addressed. I look forward to having a discussion possibly with the CEO about this occurrence.

This is not the first time I have had to go to Newmarket after being at RVH with the same type of service.