Reprisal, retaliation and torture St. Mary’s

Janine A.F.Sakowicz on 1/31/2011

Employees hired create atmosphere of fear, torture, and WW2 humour about the holocaust. Check your directory quickly before the evidence dissapears. Also, a former but wealthier acquaintance (this hAS NO BEARING ON MENTAL HEALTH VICTIMIZATION) gave out personal details of mine so that people with whom i have no affiliation make personal, insulting, and sexually abusive references to me. I would meet them as strangers and not get the point that ‘she’ h as connections. mmmDonna law Roses alcoholism is not a problem because she is a consumer of such large quantitites….(money is silenced now) The abusiveness at St.Mary’s ttbomk included intimidateion with assault and overdrugging to enlist better consumption habits etc. and cooperation wth eugenics based companies in ontario eg McEacherns market research….Was that a snuff the cleaning lady was attending to and well yes they are extremists in the field. The doc Eames told me he didn’t know how to fill out a victims impact commentary for me eg. a witnessing of my being assaulted and he left it there. Perhaps i chose the wrong words. I guess this is ‘tough love psychiatry” for the non nuclear. Learn how to chose the meat you eat sessions are held all throughout the sunshine coast. Of course you are different and won’t have the problems i had…….