Removal of patient by security

I am lodging a complaint against RVH for an incident which occurred early Saturday morning @ approx 3am . Without going into detail as that will be handled by my lawyer briefly I was accused of misusing hospital resources and told I was going to be written up for trespassing. I was escorted from premises with a bus pass and told to wait for a bus in -6 ° weather not dressed appropriately. More details will follow during a formal investigation. I am writing to whomever get this to obtain the name of the security company contracted by RVH as well as the names of the 3 security personnel who were involved. Also the charge nurse that night would not give me her last name only that it was Joanna. I will be lodging a complaint with Human Rights Commission and may be taking legal action against all parties involved. Finally, what hospital allows a security company to dictate the treatment of a patient . That is exactly what happened that morning and the patient is a 69 year old senior. Please forward the information requested as soon as possible.
Thank you
Sean McCarthy