Queensway Carleton Hospital, Ottawa

Appalling service that has failed to treat an emergency situation which could result in losing an eye: Admitted to A&E for an eye injury at Queensway Carleton on Friday 28 December. After a very long wait to see a doctor, advised it could be a potential detatched retina. A&E doctor confirmed he had referred me to see an opthamolgist asap and I would be given an appointment within next 24hrs. I chased QC Emergency team on Sunday afternoon – 30 December – to say I had not been contacted and was concerned about my eye. Advised that my referral for some reason had not been sent to Opthamology and the department was now closed. A&E apologised for their failure to refer my case which they acknowledged was an emergency and said it should not have happened. Now advised to go to Ottawa General Eye Institute first thing tomorrow morning as it might be faster than QMH! I’m a tourist on holiday in Ottawa, I’ve paid A&E $930 just to be processed. That fee does not include the whopping A&E doctor’s fee on top of that which I haven’t received yet for a service that has failed to deliver emergency patient care. I’d like my money back please!!