premeditated murder insurance fraud peterborough regional health center

valerie on 1/3/2011

i am writting you this letter to let you know of two issuees the frist being of transplant fraud and dializes insurance fraud people are saying they have to pay for dialises and transplants and taking money for it it says in the transplant book if you are approched by anyone to buy or sell and organ contact tronto general hospital uhn team in tronto we have 1700 people in peterborough whom have been asking for money for dialises and transplant money asking for randsom and blakmailing here is a llist of some of the people fred moore beverly moore bouffard tracey forbes roxie page brian page jackie page armstrong chad armstrong officer brady eastale podrick 150 winslow peggy heard stacey lynn armstroong moore perry armstrong wilma armstrong nicole mark earl jousha armstrong jenna joel armstrong and girlfrien rick dykstra audrea renita greita dykstra dave margo hurley tom zip mills carl cal valerie dunford jack sylvia armstrong cathy steve barnes susan steve driscoll marty cindy hutchinson karen janice norm gail page alma hildda brum vandryen bellmore mr and mrs cooper cardnail dr hughes kamilla thorton thomas thompson lab tecc ceo lawyers james hurhaney peter mallard brent wamsley peggy flemming ryan page stephaine brown audrea dykstra diana brown dykstra tim jr tim sr wife dykstra maureen m maureen trevor pam from dialises 5th floor peterborough regional health center ernie herod florance jordan jantelle jordan chris robinson sheila hannah adams jim jean scrroggins robert kimball dave sparks dorthy les rod donna branscombe tracey miller faith hollensworrth hailey danielle macleod halifax joel armstrong montreal mark earl tronto police officer nicole armstrong earl has a fake nursing degree didnt pass the nurses certificate still works in bowmanville hospital this is illegal because in case a person mistreated or proceedure done wrong roxie page isnt psw works in extendacare nursing home only washes hair under the psw act has no medical training to be health care aid and shouldnt work as one in a residence of the medical feid these people are also involed in divorce car life transplant fraud under the name of maurice morris moe decker name insurance agent dennise darling kevin herod reberta herod manulife mutalife london life co-operators vohama life manulife sun life aig ing hong kong bank montreal scotia tdd royal ernie herod stole a check in the sum of 11 million dollars divied by 1700 people is 64.00 per person i never signed any paperwork either did rod bryant florance jordan and beverly moore bouffard signed my lawyer said this is illegal and me and my husband are still married by law maurice decker was put as benificary policey holder and he died in edmonton alberta november 16th 2004 with lung cancer namiona massive heart failure he was terminal thats a claws in insurance he wouldnt of got it and im terminal so they would get it in my name because kidney failure is a terminal illness stacey armstrong put 7 long hared rats inside of me that fell out that6 left me with kidney failure know i am dying because of them all this is a santan choice biker related crime hate ctrime roxie page paid for it with the rest of them ken connie blair also paid into this they tyhink im some kind of rich person and im flat broke they stole ever dime i had 6,000 dollars was my life savings then they stole 3,500 untill febuary checks they are all money hungry bobby bouffard stacey armstrong moore bev moore bouffard roxie page beverly moore bouffard tracey forbes laurie bouyers tammy weise parson brian page perry wilma armstrong ivan lipsinger bobby bouffard fred moore daryl laurie armstrong carl mclean planned this out they new when where how it was going to happen and paid for it they put a hit on my head with brenda susan donny powers the powers girls escapped from mega jail with the help of police this is a hynous crime …. 909 clonsilla ave 803 908 711 504 106 lansdowne st w 204 jackson ave carl vivan shelly mclean moore 333 heonics ave 602 909 clonsilla ave 803 504 santan choice club houses