Posting Policy

Hospital Complaints asks that you please not post any comments, photos or other materials on this website that may be inappropriate in nature and retains the right to remove inappropriate materials at our discretion. Hospital Complaints is not responsible for materials posted by third party users of this website. We remind you that such materials do not necessarily reflect the point of view of Hospital Complaints, but rather that of the website users. At Hospital Complaints, your privacy is important to us.

Hospital Complaints Posting Policy

The following Posting Policy applies to those who choose to use the Hospital Complaints website. By using this website and submitting a comment or any other materials, you (and your parent/legal guardian if you are under the age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence) agree to the terms and conditions of this Posting Policy.

• Hospital Complaints reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to remove, edit, or otherwise modify any content that does not adhere to this Posting Policy.

• Please respect other users. This means that any comments/materials you submit must not be inappropriate, abusive or otherwise offensive, and must not contain, depict or involve, any of the following: profanity or otherwise offensive language; derogatory characterizations of any ethnic, racial, sexual or religious groups; content that endorses or condones any illegal, inappropriate or risky activity or behaviour; any other content that is or could be considered inappropriate, unsuitable or offensive, all as determined by Hospital Complaints in its sole discretion.

• Hospital Complaints respects intellectual property laws. By posting and/or submitting material to this website, you represent that you have the right to share the material in your submitted content, including, without limitation, trade-marks and copyrighted material. Do not post or submit any third party materials unless you have first obtained consent from the owner of such materials.

• Comments or opinions expressed on the website are those of their respective contributors only. The views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Hospital Complaints, its management or employees. Hospital Complaints is not responsible for, and disclaims any liability for the comments written by contributors to the website.

• Any materials that contain advertisements, “spam” or junk mail content, or references to other websites will be removed.

• Please remember that this page is public. For your own safety, please do not post or submit any personal information about yourself or third parties (e.g. addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses), except as otherwise required.

You agree not to hold us responsible for things other users post or do. As most of the stuff on this website comes from other users, we do not guarantee the accuracy of postings or user communications or the quality, safety, or legality of what’s offered. We also cannot guarantee continuous or secure access to our services. Accordingly, to the extent legally permitted we expressly disclaim all warranties, representations and conditions, express or implied, including those of quality, merchantability, merchantable quality, durability, fitness for a particular purpose and those arising by statute. We are not liable for any loss, whether of money (including profit), goodwill, or reputation, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of your use of our website, even if you advise us or we could reasonably foresee the possibility of any such damage occurring. Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of warranties or exclusion of damages, so such disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to you.

Despite all above, if we are found to be liable, our liability to you or any third party (whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability in tort, by statute or otherwise) is limited to the greater of (a) the total fees you pay to us in the 12 months prior to the action giving rise to liability, and (b) 5 Canadian Dollars.