Please help us see our Mother

Good Morning,
Firstly I would like to acknowledge that I wish to be contacted asap. My Mother was rushed to Emergency by ambulance to Trillium on Sunday, July 10th. Much to my surprise the paramedics had to share the occurrence (stroke) to triage before entering the emergency area. I find that rather strange! The care in Emerge was great! She then was transferred to 2J 14hours later. The staff were amazing on 2 J. We were told that My Mother needed a Cat Scan, other tests and an MRI which was going to be booked immediately. As each day has passed we were told an MRI has been expedited and ordered. My Mother to date has not received an MRI it is now July 15th. The most troubling concern is My Mother has been transferred from 2J to 4J and now 3A room 321. in 3A, she was placed in an outbreak area without communicating that with me or our family. My Mother is immuno-compromised, putting her at further risk. My Father went to visit my Mother to find that he was not allowed to visit due to the unit being in outbreak. Why can we not visit utilizing full PPE? My Mother and I were also told that she must always use the toilet or commode when she needs to have a bowel movement. The Nursing Staff on 3C are telling her that she must go in her diaper. What kind of care is provided here? My Mother is ambulatory and requires a one person assist as documented by the OT on Wednesday. The language that is provided by staff is lacking dignity and respect, relating to my Mother as “Mama” rather than her name, using the word diaper versus brief, bib versus clothing protector etc…
I called to ask to speak with the Nursing Manager, I was told she is on vacation, followed by the Nurse stating that she would have to ask for permission for me to speak with the person covering the Nurse Manager. I have not received any info or update. This is a very sad situation! We are asking to please have her transferred to OTMH as soon as possible and to please communicate with me asap!
Looking forward to your response.