Ottawa General Hospital, Emergency + Nephrostomy, Ottawa

On October 31 2012, I went to the Nephrostomy section to have my nephrostomy tube reinserted since it was out of the kidney, no longer functioning. I waited over 6 hours. After the tube was reinserted, nobody thought of given me antibiotics.

One week later, due to high fever/chills, I called the chemo daycare nurse who instructed me to go to a clinic, no need to go to the emergency. I went to my family Dr who urged me to go to the emergency as she suspected I had urinary/kidney infection. I waited approximately 1.5 hour until they put me through the “triage”. I was then sent in the emergent care. After 9 hours, I was sent home with the wrong antibiotics.

I have been sick for over a week, battling cancer at the same time, the latter for almost 2 years.

I would like someone to follow-up with me on this incident, lack of judgement, lack of appropriate care.