OBNOXIOUS receptionist Ms. Tegan? at MRI-Medical Imaging on 21Jan11 North York General Hospital- Toronto

M on 1/21/2011

OBNOXIOUS receptionist Ms. Tegan? at MRI-Medical Imaging on 21Jan11
Friday, January 21, 2011 11:21 PM


Dr. Tim Rutledge, President and CEO
North York General Hospital
4001 Leslie Street
Toronto, Ontario M2K 1E1

[delivered via email to patientrelations@nygh.on.ca, jzadrave@nygh.on.ca, foundation@nygh.on.ca ]

Dear President and CEO,

1) Your website at http://www.nygh.on.ca/about_us/mvv.html states:
” A community teaching hospital in a continuum of health care, providing compassionate and quality care to diverse communities in North Toronto and beyond. Our Values- Listening – Learning – Leading – Serving; We achieve: Listening to appreciate diversity; Learning through dialogue and reflection; Leading with courage, transparency and forgiveness; Serving patients, families and others with kindness” .

2) I am addressing the email to YOU, THE CEO and President, since evidently, my earlier voice communication to you and your staff have resulted in NO tangibly appropriate actions, EXCEPT VINDICTIVE REPRISAL. This is further substantiated below.

3) OBJECTIVELY LOOK AT THE FACTS. Also, look at MULTIPLE complaints against your hospital including those at:

– http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/2010/09/30/doctor-charges.html and

– http://trueler.com/2010/09/22/beware-of-north-york-general-hospital-nygh-hidden-charges/

4) Furthermore, you keep mailing me your UNSOLICITED solicitations for donations. BEFORE EXPECTING ANY DONATIONS, YOU NEED TO BE DESERVING OF IT, AND EARN IT. “Walk the walk” [as stated on your website] INSTEAD of “talking the talk” [as EVIDENCED BY THE ACTIONS OF YOUR STAFF].

5) When I checked-in with the receptionist for my MRI appointment on 21Jan11 in the Department of Medical Imaging, the Caucasian WHITE young female, wearing a white top, with blonde hair, displayed NO visible name-tag, and [when asked] REFUSED to provide her name either.

EVIDENTLY, your concerned staff have NO PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY. I am given to understand [from another employee] that her name may be Ms. TEGAN?

6) During my limited interaction with her, she was EXTREMELY RUDE AND OBNOXIOUS with an ABRASIVE AND BELLIGERENT manner.

She was frequently interrupting when I tried answering her specific questions.

She was VERY UNCOOPERATIVE. She did NOT want to send additional reports to my other doctors [which I was told by Mr. Amir Sohili? today at his provided cell-phone of (416)659-0187], NOR did she want to correct the ERROR MADE BY YOUR STAFF ON YOUR SYSTEM, who had entered my address incorrectly.

Because she was so inattentive and ARGUMENTATIVE, and more interested in the sound of her own voice [rather than in listening to answers to her asked questions], I essentially achieved NOTHING with her.

7) EVIDENTLY, my voicing a verbal complaint earlier to you has ONLY RESULTED in VINDICTIVE REPRISAL TO ME.

Otherwise, it only means that your staff give a consistently BAD attitude to visible minority customers.

8) Moving forward, please provide me:

(a) on 11Feb11 [my last scheduled MRI] – as discussed with Mr, Sohili today, a CD [which I understand is at NO charge to me] of my ENTIRE 4 MRIs. This is for my family physician;


(c) a copy to my 4 other treating physicians of all the 4 MRIs.

9) Please provide me a SATISFACTORY WRITTEN response within 7 calendar days of today. I do NOT wish to have any further verbal discussions, which I have ALREADY done [after wasting my time playing phone-tag with your MULTIPLE staff] including your patient-relations female staff-person and Mr. Sohili on 20Dec10, Ms. Zadravec on 16Dec10.

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cc: – http://www.cbc.ca/contact/

– https://www.hospitalcomplaints.ca/File-Complaint.asp


– http://trueler.com/contact-us/