Oakville Memorial Hospital Oakville Ontario Canada

My 87 year old Mon was sent by ambulance 2x. Both visits (I being her daughter) asked the Dr. if my mom was dying and he said “NO”.  He said it was normal for an elderly person not to eat because she is older. There was no mention of her dying, nothing about sepsis or pnuemonia.  She died Tues. March 6, 2018 at 5:07 p.m. due to sepis.

After the second visit I took her to her family Physician he made no mention of pnuemonia or sepsis. All he talked about was covering his B _ _ _.  Finally, her Geriatric Dr. on the tuesday told me my mom was passing away.  We all assumed it was her heart. It was until Sunday, around noon we found out she was dying of sepsis.  HOW THE _ _ _ K does 2 ER doctors, 1 family doctor, 1 specialist and finally Dr. Norman telling us the truth.  There is an attitude with some of the ER doctors & support staff that do not rate elderly seniors as serious as some other cases. Thank you Dr. Norman, and the palliative care (wonderful & caring) and also Dr. Yip and Dr. Kassam.  The 2 doctors and nurses from her first two visits need to be fired!  The suffering you caused my Mom was awful! Go somewhere else and upgrade your skills.  My heart is broken. DO NOT PUT 1 MORE PERSON OR FAMILY THROUGH THIS SUFFERING!  Sincerely, Barb Black