Oakville Hospital, OAKVILLE, Ontario

My complaint is against the Oakville Hospital and my surgeon, Dr Weening , an orthopedic surgeon ‘who operated on me in March 2013 along with the anesthetist, a last minute replacement from the scheduled anesthetist I met the day before to discuss my medical history having NARCOLEPSY, a neurological illness and anesthetic must be carefully monitored. According to Dr Weening she had another commitment. If true, why was she scheduled to be with me? I had a brief discussion with her replacement and my 2 hour surgery began at 8 am and finished at 10 am, so I was told; however, I did not wake up from the anesthetic until 6 pm, 8 hrs later. Dr Weening or a hospital doctor never came to examine me and explain why I received an over dose of anesthetic. A former colleague witnessed the time I woke up at 6 pm but later refused to testify. With good reason,I believe she was paid by the hospital to  remain silent. I never saw Dr Weening for 2 mos, & his reason ‘it takes some people longer to wake up than others’ but not 8 hrs.  I was more convinced there was something definitely wrong when Dr Weening wrote to the College of Physicians & Surgeons ‘he was satisfied I was awake & alert after my surgery, even talking to him’ which is totally false. During my recovery I experienced memory loss, unable to recall even names of my family and depression became another serious issue which I still have. I wrote to the hospital and asked for an investigation in the fall of 2013 and a Mrs Pond was assigned to my case. After several mos without a word I contacted the hospital again and told she no longer worked there and my file was missing. Kelly Ingram replaced Mrs Pond and defended the hospital with no explanation why I received an over dose of anesthetic and the worse hospital experience in my 73 yrs. I had a new knee and even using the bathroom was difficult but there was no support and little physio. I became extremely upset when discharged without seeing a doctor and the nurse tried to convince me a doctor made 6 trips but I was always asleep. I left the hospital without seeing a doctor. I have attempted to find answers and the truth, but received neither. While under anesthetic there were concerns when my blood pressure dropped very low. The CEO, John Oliver, suddenly resigned and a surprise to everyone considering his $500,000 a yr income and a new hospital due to open the following  year. His replacement, Denise Hardenne, refused to meet with me. I made many attempts to retain a lawyer to help me but refused. They felt I suffered no consequences resulting from the over dose of anesthetic ‘s without realizing an over dose of anesthetic may contribute to Dementia or Alzheimer’s. What kind of life have I been sentenced to live with? My depression and years wasted to receive justice were ignored by the hospital and all I received were excuses but nothing justifies giving me an over dose of anesthetic lasting 10 hours for my 2 hour surgery.  I returned to emergency and on one occasion kept for several days and given tests I did not ask for, including a brain scan.  Lawyers do not recognize my injuries are just as real and living with the risk of early Alzheimer’s is a sentence no one should have to live with.  The hospital investigation lied to protect their reputation and the malpractice or doctors. This has gone on too long and hopefully with a hospital Ombudsman, it will change. I am asking for financial compensation not only from the over dose of anesthetic, but the years I have wasted to receive justice and denied over and over again by the  hospital. If someone can justify why I received an over dose of anesthetic lasting 8 extra hours, why haven’t they come forward? I trust my medical problem will receive the justice it deserves.

Yours truly

Glena Stanley  905 691 3066





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