Not re-prescribed psychotropic medications that are dangerous to come off cold turkey

I was referred to the psychiatrist Dr. Catherine Zanelli at the Queensway Carleton hospital in Ottawa, Ontario for severe depression. I was prescribed numerous psychotropic medications and adjusted well to them before I was discharged. After I was discharged, due to the fact I don’t have a family doctor and am on a years long wait list to get into one, I can only get my prescriptions refilled through Dr. Zanelli. The staff in the psychiatric department are well aware I don’t have a family doctor and that walk-in clinics have refused to prescribe me my psychotropic drugs yet refuse to re-prescribe me my medications or give me a weaning regimen to get off of my medications safely so I have been forced to quit all my medications cold turkey despite it being medically dangerous to do so and I’m back at square one with my mental health.