North York General Hospital, North York

I attended at North York General Hospital on Saturday February 18, 2012 between the hours of 12 am and 4:30 am. I was taken there by ambulance with what I was initially told was pneumonia by a walk in doctor on Friday. By the time I went to North York General by ambulance, I couldn’t stand. I was so dizzy and weak. My stomach was in severe pain, which I later found out was as a result of the medication I was given by the walk in doctor. I asked the male triage nurse to ask the doctor if I could have medication for the pain. He later lied to me and told me I already had it through the IV which I found out later from the doctor, was false. I was not offered a bed or place to lay down due to my weakness. My friends were forced to wander around in search of blankets to not only subdue my chills but to make me a bed on the hard hospital waiting room floor. Other patients in the waiting room were appalled that I was not offered a bed. When my friends asked him for a bed and pain medication and a blanket, the male triage nurse was rude and abrasive and said “NO!” to request. Worst experience ever! This man should NOT work as a nurse in a hospital!