North York General Hospital – Branson Site. 555 Finch Ave. West . Toronto, Ontario M2R 1N5. Canada
President & CEO,
North York General Hospital – Branson Site
555 Finch Ave. West . Toronto, Ontario M2R 1N5
Dear President and CEO,
1) Your website at and states:
“We provide the best care possible for our patients and their families’; “Our 5,000 staff, physicians and volunteers embrace the belief that patients and their families are at the heart of everything we do”; “We are committed to living our vision – Community of Success: Serving with Kindness.”; “Our Mission – Providing exceptional health care to our diverse communities”; “Our Patients Come First In Everything We Do. Our team provides care with respect, integrity, excellence and compassion. Respect- We embrace the strength in our diversity and treat everyone with respect and dignity. Integrity – Every day, we act in a professional and ethical manner. Excellence – We strive to achieve better outcomes in everything we do, collaborating with patients, families and partners. Compassion – We provide an exceptional care experience to our patients and their families with empathy, sensitivity and understanding “.
2) I am addressing the email to YOU, THE CEO and President, in light of the fact that you are the CHIEF Executive Officer and President of this organization. Theoretically, the “buck should stop with you”.
3) The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Actions speak louder than words. I suggest you FIRST walk-the-walk INSTEAD of merely talking-the-talk.
Also, browse the MULTIPLE complaints against your hospital including those at:
It reflects that your MERE-LIP-SERVICE is not enough.
6) Here is my recent experience at your North York General Hospital- Branson Site hospital, located at 555 Finch Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario M2R 1N5, that appears to confirm that these COMPLAINANTS may very well be FULLY JUSTIFIED IN POSTING THEIR OPINION, BASED ON EVIDENCED FACTS.
7) Recently, I was referred for a CAT scan to your Diagnostic Imaging department. I incurred a $41.25 taxi fare cost to make it for my scheduled appointment. You may refer to the attached taxi-receipt of my incurred costs .jpg attachment.
a) After registering with your receptionist clerk Ms. Sandra (who wore no visible name-tag, and verbally identified herself as such), I proceeded to the back of the hallway (where she VAGUELY directed me to go, and told me that there was a X-Ray technologist waiting there for me, and I should look for the technologist SOMEWHERE there ).
(b) I spent a full 10 minutes waiting and looking for the technolgist (where Ms. Sandra told me to go). Since NO technologist came to get me, I proceeded to walk back towards the receptionist-area.
(c) While I was walking back, I heard a woman yelling my name, demanding: “Hey you! Where the fuck do you think you are going?”
– (i) While I tried explaining to her, and politely requested that there was no need for her to yell and use verbally abusive language, she rudely interrupted me: “Hey I am in-charge here! Goddamn Immigrants! Do you know I can call security and get you arrested, and CHOOSE NOT to do your scan IF I do not want to!”.
– (ii) Seeing that she was visibly upset (for NO apparent reason), and not giving me a chance to reply to her IRRATIONAL tirade and UNJUST manner, I asked her for her name and requested to speak to a supervisor.
– (iii) She REFUSED to provide her name and replied: “You want my supervisor? I will call security and get you arrested. And I will NOT attend to you. And there is NOTHING you can do about it”. She REFUSED to provide her supervisor name and contact information also.
– (iv) A security-guard who identified himself as a Mr. Adrian (wearing Paragon Security badge-number 010625) came and demanded that I should apologize to her. I politely told him that I had done NOTHING for which I owed an apology to her.
(d) I was told by Ms. Sandra that this verbally abusive woman is an X-Ray technologist named Teresa Infiorati, whose manager of Diagnostic Imaging is Elfie Sartor at (416)633-9420, extension 6511.
8) This Ms. Infiorati was simply yelling for no evident reason. WHILE SHE WALKED AWAY, withOUT performing the CAT scan services, that I was FALSELY AND INCORRECTLY charged for on my OHIP card (charged for my visit)- All I got in return was an UNPROFESSIONAL MANNER, AND AN ARROGANT ATTITUDE AND ABRASIVE MANNER.
In this case:
•your concerned staffs provided NO PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY.
•During my limited interaction with her, your employee was EXTREMELY RUDE AND OBNOXIOUS, and evidenced an ABRASIVE AND BELLIGERENT manner.
•Ms. Infiorati was frequently interrupting when I tried answering her specific questions.
•Ms. Infiorati was VERY UNCOOPERATIVE.
•Because she was so inattentive and ARGUMENTATIVE, and more interested in the sound of her own voice [rather than in listening to answers to her asked questions], I essentially achieved NOTHING with her.
•The net result of this incident is that: (a) I incurred a taxi-fare cost of $41.25, (b) I wasted 3 hours of my time, (c) I was charged on my OHIP card for this CAT scan (a service which was NOT performed), (d) I was HARASSED by your technologist and security-guard on UNJUSTIFIED grounds, (e) I suffered mental anguish, pain and suffering by your verbally abusive staff, who provided NO professional accountability and NO professionalism whatsoever.
9) Furthermore:
•I am a small sampling of the entire visible minority public.
•Otherwise, it only means that your staffs give a consistently BAD attitude to visible minority customers.
•I am not interested in being subject to FURTHER VINDICTIVE REPRISAL from your staff.
10) I did notice that even your receptionist Ms. Sandra displayed NO visible name tags. I am, therefore, NOT surprised that this coupled with the fact that you have NO displayed customer-feedback or client-satisfaction-anonymous forms (as do some of your competitors), is the reason that your competitors offer BETTER AND MORE PROFESSIONAL, COURTEOUS service and staff.
11) I am INDEED disappointed with the EVIDENCED BAD ATTITUDE OF YOUR STAFF. Such service to the public from your employees IS UNACCEPTABLE AND UNFAIR.
12) Furthermore, I noticed on the way-out, that at your entrance-desk, you have flower-postcards for mailing and SOLICITING donations. BEFORE EXPECTING ANY DONATIONS, YOU NEED TO BE DESERVING OF IT, AND EARN IT. “Walk the walk” [as stated on your website] INSTEAD of “talking the talk” [as EVIDENCED BY THE ACTIONS OF YOUR STAFF].
– The best advertisement any business (or organization) carries is by word of mouth. Put yourself in my shoes. What do you think I have to tell people that I know about your hospital? And do you think I (or those I know) will want to give you any donation or volunteer help ever?
13)I ask that you, IMMEDIATELY : (a) minimally refund my incurred costs of $41.25 immediately; (b) reimburse me in full for my incurred losses, and (c) make me WHOLE again, for the consequences that I have suffered as a result of the UNJUST actions of your employee.
I find it really difficult to believe that an xray technologist would respond to you with cursing and swearing.
Your further comments therefore were not even noted…in other words…I believe you’re lying.