North York General Hospital 4001 Leslie St
I have not had much need for the ER until recently. I had a breast reduction on January 23rd at NYGH. The care pre and post surgery was exceptional.
I was discharged at 7:00 pm and went home.
I awoke at 2:30 am on jan 24th and there was blood everywhere. The pads had soaked through and my bed linens and bed looked like a murder scene. My mother who was looking after me called 911. I was taken to NYGH at roughly 3:00 am and admitted.
Whilst bleeding the nurse took off the padding the paramedics left on and brought over two dirty rough towels to hold myself. An ER doctor came at around 5:00 am. He looked at it and said that there was nothing he could do but wait and call the surgeon.
At 7:30 am he came back and said I was to find my way to Branson Hospital to see Dr Neu who did the surgery and it was up to me to get there.
A nurse came in wrapped me with a blue sheet around the seeping blood and asked when someone was coming as they needed the room.
My recount of what happened is without emotion as I want you to understand the technical aspects of what happened. I was in pain, bleeding and alone….during my 5 hour stay I overheard staff conversations that were inappropriate for patients to hear.
The care was in my opinion less than a third world country.
We apologize for the delay in response to this complaint, and for your negative experience at our Hospital. We would like to suggest you contact our Patient Experience Office to discuss this further.
The Patient Experience Office can be reached at 416-756-6125 or by emailing
Kind regards,
Corporate Communications & Public Affairs
North York General Hospital