North York General Hospital

My name is Louise Thorn I would like to complain about my service at the imaging dept, on April 29th, 2012. I live near Midland,Ontario. nearly a two hour drive for me from Toronto. Unfortunately my day did not start off well. I first forgot my requisition for my x-ray. I was already 30 minutes away when I had my sister drive me back to get it, but unfortunately for me again I now have the requisite but realize I now have forgotten my purse. We were already near the hospital. Meaning no health card, no license, cell phone or money. I was devastated. When I tried to explain my situation to the male receptionist he tells me that they won’t see me. I explained how I traveled a long way for this appointment. He calls his manager whose name is Jennifer says NO.I understand that, but I could of signed a waver claiming who I was. I told him ask me questions I can answer them with no hesitation and that why would I travel all this way to get a ct scan on my knee if it wasn’t that person. It just doesn’t make any sense. Then I’m told if I wait a half a hour I could ask the next receptionist and that he couldn’t help me anyway to re-schedule the ct scan as he only books appt,s for x-ray and he didn’t know how to get into the system. So I wait just to be told the same answer as she had already spoke to him and Jennifer. So why did they make me wait? contact me at,