Foothills emergency


My husband was unable to breathe properly 2 nights ago, after having increasingly worse pain in his torso from the night before. It got to the point where he was gasping for breath, and was in severe pain.

He went to Foothills Emergency for help. They gave him Advil and Tylenol, and sent him home saying it was muscle spasms without doing any xrays, or any other kind of tests.

This afternoon, he couldn’t handle it anymore and went to his chiropractor. Turns out he couldn’t breathe properly because 2 dislocated ribs were putting pressure on his lung.

He could have a serious lung injury from this, and they didn’t even check it at the ER! The injury could have gotten much worse had he moved the wrong way. He’s going to get xrays this evening at the advice of his doctor, so we don’t really know the full extent of his injury yet.

I am livid that he was treated with such carelessness at the Foothills ER. I understand that the funding is not what it used to be from the government, but if my husband has suffered a lung injury and didn’t go to the chiropractor, he could have died! It would have been very easy for his lung to be punctured.

I am gobsmacked, shocked, incredulous, disappointed, and furious.

This is something the press would love to hear about if his lung is damaged. I just don’t think I can fully express the amount of anger and fear I’ve been feeling. This is unacceptable.
