
After a slip & fall I was brought by ambulance to Juravinski last night (Jan 31, 2023) during mybtime there All the staff (and EMS) were great. After a 2nd situation not being able to use the bed pan a nurse went to get my Doctor saying they were going to use a cathater.
She returned with 2 other nurses, one said to me “lets go we need the room” I replied “please do not put me in the hallway again by the exit doors” she then got very aggressive and I said I want to go home, she told me to get outvof the bed and get my stuff, when I asked if she could close the door in order for me to dress, she replied after calling for Security “pointing to a public hallway” you can get dressed out there….hallway filled with people including the 2 Security Guards that did not even respond to her request. I was upfront, asked for her name as I was going to complain about her, she flatly refused. A ñice nurse helped me, she held my gown so I could have dignity
and walked me to the washroom so I could dress. I asked this Nurse what her name was as I had been told to complain to Mark (or Martin) the Nice Nurse told me….”Trust me you do not need her name, he will know exactly who she is!”
While I understand with Covid, shortages and all that has brought, this was totally unacceptable, you could tell her fellow employees and security were not buying in to her narcissistic attitude.

If I do not get a response and action to this I plan to reach out to Doug Fords office and let them deal with it, and trust me I am not a Ford Fan, but her bedside manner was deplorable!
I also want her name!

Roslyn French (Sanges)
905 317 6662