
I have 2 complaints about 2 physicians in your hospital (Toronto Western)….Dr Steven Lewis and Dr Tim Leroux….I was referred to Dr Leroux last spring from having had the best physician on the planet (Dr Darrel Ogilvie-Harris – now retired) as my Ortho for over 20 years. I have been given the runaround by Dr Leroux since last summer and been promised shoulder surgery Sept, Oct then Jan…no communication and they don’t even call you back. The reason my shoulder surgery is so important is that I’m a 61 year old leg amputee and Dr Lewis is to do a spinal fusion and nerve decompression (waiting for 3.5 years for this surgery) so without 2 healthy arms, recovery will be a nightmare. I’m disgusted as to the lack of concern from both of these surgeons and the amount of intense suffering I deal with every day is unacceptable!….what can be done to get someone’s attention…I’m on 5 pain killers now and am in intense pain every step I take (which isnt many) …please can someone help me???? Phone 613-848-7157