Mother passed away two hours after being sent home from Hamilton General hospital

On October 15, 2021, my mother passed away two hours after being released from the Hamilton General hospital. My mom was having a bad reaction to the antibiotics she was given and could not eat or drink anything for several days. When she went to the Hamilton General hospital she waited all night on a chair to just be pumped full of fluids the next morning. The nurse called me when I was at work to let me know that my mother was being sent home to which I told her I can pick her up in a couple of hours as soon as I am done work. The nurse told me they were sending her home in a taxi and that she was extremely weak so someone should be there to help her get inside the house. Two hours after getting home she passed away. How can a hospital send a patient home when they are clearly still very ill. People go to the hospital for help but the Hamilton General hospital had very little regard for my mother’s life and basically sent her home to die. Nothing will be able to bring my mom back but this situation needs to be investigated so that it doesn’t happen to someone else.