Monford Hospital Ottawa

Monford Hospital Ottawa
My mother who is 90 years old will be 91 in October was in your hospital last Thursday was diagnosed with a bladder infection was put on antibiotics for one week. Her family doctor was following up on Tuesday and asked for me to take her to have more bloodwork to check her kidneys, the results came back today being Thursday and she wanted my mother To go back to the hospital as she needed to get an IV her kidney levels have dropped again. So I called 911 and an ambulance came and took her to the Monford Hospital they’re aware of her condition and why we were going to the hospital. On her records at the hospital it’s noted that she has dementia. I understand that I can’t go in with her until she is been put into a cubicle six hours After she was brought to the hospital she was still not in a cubicle that doesn’t bother me what bothers me is she was left on attended and having dementia. So I made the decision to go back down to the hospital and get her myself. I find it hard to believe that they would leave a 91-year-old in the waiting room unsupervised that has dementia. I would at this time appreciate somebody getting back to me in regards to this matter I find it disgusting. I am her caregiver and have PA I don’t even leave her alone for five minutes why on earth would Health staff do this. My mothers name is Colleen Plumley.

Dawn Johnson
705 796 0988