McMaster Children’s hospital Hamilton

We are a family of 4 (2 Adults and 2 Kids(age 1.5 & 6) having no one from the Immediate family member in Canada. Recently my daughter got admitted to McMaster Children Hospital. Hospital Staff did not allow me (Father) to visit my daughter along with my 6 Year old Kid stating they have Covid protocol and i respect that. But when they said your wife and you 1.5 year daughter who is patient can come down and they are allow to meet. I don’t digest this part and its completely illogical and idiotic it this is management’s decision to set this protocol. You should understand now that if people are fully vaccinated, even gov of Canada is giving all the liberty now then why Hospital has this kind of stupid protocol. You should understand the mind set of a mother who is dealing this all alone without her husband support day and night with kid. She also need support from her husband in this situation and as we don’t have any family member here we don’t have choice you people need to respect that and allow us to visit the patient.