Making appoijtments

I have a neurologist dr. Peedicail in the adult epilepsy specialty section. In the beginning of may i called to book an appointment, the receptionist said she will let me know when she can figure it out. At the end of may i still hadnt heard back from them so i called back and asked, she said she had emailed the neurologist, to see where hes at and he hasnt resppnded to her. Leading up to june i called agaim, still no response from the neurologist from the receptionist point of view. Its now nearing the end of july and still heard nothing. I understand appointments take time, and that i might not get in for months, but i would like to know sooner than later at least the date even if it is months down the road. Not to mention while there is no absolute emergency now, if there was and still no response that would not be safe.. while theres the er for emergencies, in manitoba the ers wait time is still quite high, at dangerous times, and i understand nurses and doctors have a lot on their plate, however at the wait time hospitals are are concerning. and if its simple as changing in medication, er doctors wont change it they will let the neurologist do that. But if neurologists wont even take two minutes to let the receptionist know or the receptionist wont take two minutes for a call to the patient how is the patient supposed to get quality care? As it is i dont like the specific medications im on and have questions for alternatives, but cant ask them because of no appointment with the neurologist. There is a lack of communication, disorganizatipn and ultimately this could lead ti huge safety issues