Lions gate hospital

As I lie here with trauma ..
Thinking about how emerg doctor Ly
Lied to Dr Donelly about my state of health & told me to leave the hospital after severe hemorrhages after being there from 6am yesterday March 4th.
I only had 1 blood test when I arrived.
She told me at 2pm to leave to Dr Donnelly ‘s for a biopsy right away knowing I had been bleeding since arriving. Fainting in the bathroom once I pulled the alarm in the bathroom & it seemed like I was unattended for 10 m. With the alarm goin off. I could have had died, & nobody seemed to take appropriate action. Getting glares from attending staff as I apologized for the blood left in bathroom. Every garbage from ultrasound was falling over in garbage . We are in Canada.
Anyhow left at 2 still hemmoraging & scared to leave . Dr Ly looked me straight in the face and said my hemoglobin was ‘fine’ ha!
I attempted to walk out to the parking area, & my legs could barely carry me. I went & tried to walk & I collapsed & fainted to the point where a nurse helped me & in her break drive MY truck to an address of Dr Donnelly & I could barely walk there. Someone should have assisted me with a wheelchair. I should’ve been cleared to go with a secondary blood test as I was told I was going to get by another nurse?!?
Never got one & was til to take myself there.
If it wasn’t for the nurse I could’ve died out there in the -2 cold sunny day. If the nurse didn’t practically carry me over with great difficulty I wouldn’t have finally gotten my biopsy st a doctors office only 1 block away. I explained this to the most wonderful Dr Donnelly & she apologized for what happened to me, & told me the Dr on call at emerg had said I was fine.
Dr Donnelly treated me & I then proceeded to take an ambulance to the hospital as I certainly couldn’t get there on my own.
I was told to go there as I needed surgery ASAP. I had surgery at 7pm approx.
I am disgraced by the way I was treated. I can’t understand how so much $ is being spent there . It should be spent more wisely. I get better service in a 3rd work country . You should be ashamed.
My gas mask was not held tightl enough as I was told to breath in heavily & out & I tried to point to my mask as I could nt speak because of the mask…
Just a MESS.
Grew up all my life here. What the heck is happening.
I am in bed now suffering with organ damage as my kidneys have been deprived of energy because of this. I am anemic & am missing work & have kids to tend to.
What can you do for me?!?
I can provide you paperwork but now I am recovering .
Don’t know if this helps at all but the manager that day remembers me & she did keep apologizing as she saw me getting brought in by paramedics again 8 hrs after arriving there to begin with.
Dr Dy should be disciplined . This was malpractice & I wish I could sue her.
She should’ve had my blood rechecked before I left & Dr Donelly could have come to the hospital or they could have given me a biopsy there as I was too weak to walk or concentrate.
Again Dr Donnelly is my ANGEL