langley memorial hospital

my last complaint about the langley hospital was written when i was really upset in pain for four days awaiting surgery. Im not sure if ive ever been in so much pain sitting in this hotel room and now its been six days with a broken ankle.who sends emergency patients home with broken bones n torn legaments then after five days takes them off the list for surgery without notifying them. this is unacceptable treatment by any standards. i am 50 years old n i have worked all my life a taxpaying citizen born n raised in canada. the internal workings of this hospital should be held acountable. a public inquiry should be done to expose and remove the rotten apples from this hospital and give those positions to responsible people that care about proper patient care.internal investigations are just a way for these people to hide thier wrongdoings and continue with thier wicked ways. a public enquiry will expose them and uproot thier wickedness and cast them into the light of public exposure.our goverment lets this happen.