Lakeridge Oshawa

I came at 1 am on Sunday 2nd January with Chest pain and COVID-19 symptoms and waited long 6 hours and 43 minutes and requested several times that I am feeling unwell and I want to see the doctor. Whoever was before me and after me already have seen the doctor. The nurse in charge told me I am stable so I have to wait more, where as my oxygen saturation was below 92 and I had chest pain. I asked her how do you understand that they are more sick, she said by seeing the eyes. I requested and cried that I am feeling unwell, she said she can’t do anything and I can’t hold myself so I had to leave the emergency and came back home. I wanted to share my experience and file a complaint, that’s why she sent a security to stop me. Someone have to take step to make them understand that they are doing wrong. I am suffering and they were laughing. I tried to communicate with the manager over the phone, she was in vacation and even supervisor was not there.