No one will help I have begged Iv pleaded no matter how ares I try to get more Medicine for pain it’s like the either ignore you for 12 hours until the next nurse comes or the tell you your not in as much pain as you think you are well I just had two major surgeries to my spine the first one wasn’t right so they had to do it again and add a bag on me that shoulda been done the first time they downsized my pain took pain meds and said I was asking to much and they are to busy so they make u wait I was told I’m not in pain they did mri everything was fine they reduced more pain meds I cried so hard begging them to help me and no one would almost day two around the evening finally dr griff I think that’s her name she listen got another mri and of course I was internally bleeding and almost died had they not done this I wouldn’t be here today noone helped me I begged crying no one , helped said I’m on to much they can’t help so operation two they started taking my pain meds away still because they never fixed the med sheet from prior so I was on even less in agonizing pain yet again begged and begged still I’m laying in bed bawling cu the pains so bad and they rather ween me off then to help or believe me not sure if anyone can help one surgeon shook on it saying he will help they changed his list of meds to a way lower dose yet again I’m laying in my bed suffering to this day and no one will help they just want to go as long as they can go with no meds I need help really bad I don’t want to be in this amount of pain I’m getting weaker not stronger