Today (June 12th, 2023 at 7:00AM), I had a scheduled CT scan and I needed an IV put in because of the CT I needed to get. This nurse named Yulia came in to do it, I told her I am scared of needles. However I knew I needed it done. She tried to find my vein on my right arm but failed to find it. Mind you, she kept digging in different directions to try to find it. I let her find it on my left arm since she failed to on my right arm. She couldn’t find it so she pulls out a device that was in a cardboard box with a light to try to find my vein, she supposedly was able to, she wipes the area with the alcohol wipe but then proceeded to put the device onto my skin where she wiped with the alcohol wipe. She looked unsure and still inserted it into my body. Same thing happens where she kept moving the needle around to find my vein, it started to hurt and I say that it hurt. Yulia goes, “Ok! Ok! I found it! We’re done. We’re done.” and yet she is still poking around trying to find my vein. I am upset that she lied to me about that as someone who is scared of needles. I am also diagnosed with anxiety and I had a small panic attack after that happened. Being visibly upset, another nurse came in trying to educate me about the vein after I told her what happened. That was literally GASLIGHTING. I am upset due to the poor communication skills and that I WAS LIED TO. It is my body. You are providing a service, you need to know how to communicate to people! I happened to be born in this hospital too and my mom always spoke so highly of the doctors there. THIS WAS THE WORST EXPERIENCE IVE EVER HAD WITH NURSES IN THIS HOSPITAL.