Incompetent Nurses and Phsyotheripist York Central Hospital

York Central Hospital Richmond Hill (ICU and 4th Floor ) Have a few HORRIBLE, INCOMPETENT, UNCOMPASSIONATE INSENSITIVE NURSES, unfortunately i have to deal with. I am in a vulnerable situation, with my loved one in hospital. When complaints are voices nothing is done to correct the situation, they just get meaner because they have a sisterhood they band together. The Physiotherapist (during the week) in the ICU should really stop socializing with all the staff and get to work and he should stop diagnosing patients HE IS NOT A DOCTOR he is JUST a PHYSIOTHERAPIST. They should really replace him, and a few of the Nurses, not all some are GREAT but a few spoil the whole bunch. I hope nobody will have to go through this like i am now. I believe Compassion cannot be taught you are born with it ! Anybody can go study to be a nurse/ physiotherapist but if you dont have compassion this is not a career for you. The hospital had a really bad reputation a few years ago and i think its happening again they need to clean house and get rid of the bad staff there, remember the hospital is made with bricks its just a building its the staff that make the hospital.
I have so much more to say, maybe at a later date.
Hope nobody has to go through this……