
I will be honest in this post as I will mention a few things that were done by me under an unstable mental state during the time of the incident so I want the reader to have a neutral position. I was admitted to Royal Columbian Hospital after a suicide attempt on 17th June. My partner called the emergency service and I was taken to Royal Columbian hospital. After waiting for more than 3 hours I finally got a bed when I arrived there. I was thinking these people are here to help me and the thought of my boyfriend worrying about me never left my mind. Soon after that the mistretmnet started. My bed was in an open area right beside the receiption, so it was really easy for me to hear whats happening and what people are talking about. I suddenly heard the receiptionsits lady pointing at me and telling everyone loud and clear that ” she is the monster”.. anothet nurse joined and said ” yes she is the Karen here”. After that i could not keep track of which person is speaking about me there as everyones discusiing topic was me. While i was in a critical sttae after swallowing good amount of Anti depressive pills , my body and mind was helpless, was having hard time to organize my sentences and being able to coherently express anything. At first i was confused why they would talk about me when I am a patient here. I had complete faith in Canadian health care professsional until i had that hospital trip that very night. However , i was left unattended in my bed, i asked for water which i received atleast two hours later. People were looking at me, talking shit on my face and by people i mean the hospital stuff. Well that is the beginning of the story. I was moved to psyc ward at 3 am in the morning. I heard the doctors nurses in that night shift talking about a video where they were seeing me and judging me for my action right before the suicide attempt. My concern was no video was taken in my place and it was a big violation of my and my partners privacy .