hospital staff not giving any treatment to serious patient’s BRAMPTON CIVIC HOSPITAL,BRAMPTON

Hi,I took my father to brampton civic hospital on 24/july/2010 around 12.45pm,because he was fall twice in the house.First he fell down from the bed when he was sleeping.Second time he had a fall when he was going to the washroom.His head hit with the wall and there is a red spot on the head that shows there is any injury.His two fingers also got hurt,because he said he feeling too much pain in those fingers.He told me that,his eyes became totally blind that time,the time of fall.He said he got faint. he already had a head injury on 23/may/2010,and he was in the hospital for about a month,and he is not fully recovered from that.After reaching the hospital i told the nurse that he has a fall at home twice and he feeling too much pain in the head and he is very confused and his finger also hurting may be there is any fracture.I showed all the old reports of his previous injury.Nurse told us to wait in the waiting room.After an hour my father asked the nurse that he feeling too much pain in the head,when he is going to see the doctor,nurse said you have to wait.After waiting another hour we asked again that when we are going in the emergency room,she said there is no bed available for you,but the other patients those came after us going to the emergency room within half an hour wait.Even some has only cough.My father was crying from pain,after waiting three hour in the waiting room,my father asked the nurse again about his turn ,but she gave the same answer that there is no bed for you.My father said i can not wait too much,because he can not sit too long with this head pain,nurse said she can not do any thing for you.Then my father said i want to go home,she said if you want to go you can go.I asked that nurse can i get a complaint form,she said she don’t have that,you go and ask the front desk.When i asked the front desk girl about that compliant paper,she said she do not have that.I asked her to talk to supervisor,she call the supervisor on the phone and told us that supervisor coming to talk with us.But after waiting another half an hour no one come.Then i asked again that girl about supervisor name and phone number,then she said supervisor coming on Monday you can come Monday to complain.So after waisting more than three hour in hospital we came back to home.So this type of treatment they are giving in the hospital to serious patients.May be they do not want to give any treatment to my father because we already complaint about them before.Even the nurse said to my father,oh you came back again.Please let me know if there is any other good hospital,there i can take my father.We are felling very helpless.
Please help us.Thank you