Hamilton General Hospital

After a first visit to the Emergency rm, after MRI and CT scan my father was told he had a minor bleed on his brain. Which, would have explained his symptoms. After which he was given a large dose of an IV so much that he couldn’t walk and released at 1:30 am, just minutes after receiving this IV. After having the prescription filled the following day his condition seemed to worsen,so we headed back to emergency. After 12 hours of waiting a doctor came and told him it was all in his head and not to return to the hospital!!! My father wasn’t even able to get this mans name. This is unacceptable!!! After seeing his family doctor today, we are again being sent back to emergency at Hamilton General. Rest assured I will be finding out who this doctor was that showed such unprofessional behavior and I will be filing a formal complaint. How dare he tell anyone that they are not to return to the emergency room. My father who is 76 yrs old was doing exactly what he was told to do. This occurred on Nov 1, 2016 in the late evening.

My fathers name is Roland Sedore. We would appreciate it if someone would follow up on this matter.

Any questions please call Sarah Sedore 905-407-1566.

Thank you

Sarah Sedore